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Chicago Blues Fest - Revisted with Sheryl Youngblood from 2023

Chicago Jazz Publishing (the parent company of has worked with the city of Chicago's Department of Cultural Affairs and Special Events (DCASE) since 2003 to publish the official program book for the Chicago Jazz & Blues festivals. In 2023 DCASE asked our founder, Mike Jeffers, to do a series chicago-blues-fest-revisted-with-sheryl-youngblood-from-2023of interviews with some of the headliners at the blues fest to preview their sets and tell their history. With the 2024 Blues Fest happening June 6-9, 2024 we thought we would revisit some of the interviews as our feature content in the weeks leading up to the fest.

Here's an interview with Sheryl Youngblood that was done at Buddy Guy's Club, previewing her performance, talking about her career and discussing her concepts on music and performance.


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