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The Covid-19 pandemic has caused all of the clubs and venues in Chicago to temporarily close which means both musicians and staff are currently unemployed.

In order to help get everyone through this incredibly difficult time we have organized a list of and relief funds that directly help support the people in the entertainment industry.

Please help in anyway you can by following the links below.

The Green Mill Cocktail Lounge has been serving the community for decades—from bringing Jazz greats to the stage to acting as that one last stop after everyone else has had their last call. 

This fundraiser was started by concerned customers. Some of us get the benefit of working from home, and some of us have an income that isn’t impacted by this pandemic. If we weren’t stuck inside, we’d still be looking for somewhere to hang out, have a drink, and listen to some music. To that end, we want to keep our tabs open.

Please show some love to the dedicated staff and keep tipping, even as the lights go out for a while. 

As our world continues to be impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, Metro, smartbar and GMan Tavern have made the difficult decision of closing our doors for the indefinite future. While our community continues to navigate these unprecedented times, we share in the concern for our neighbors, friends and family whose livelihoods depend on the entertainment, service and hospitality industry. 

In working to find helpful and creative ways to support our community, we have created a GoFundMe page for our staff, who depend on the gathering of our Chicago community in order to provide for themselves and their families. 

Performing artists have had their employment canceled suddenly as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic and are experiencing extraordinary financial hardship.  Music is a fundamental joy of life.  Behind every one of your favorite songs are the professionals who have dedicated their lives for that moment of creation.  Please help us support the unsung heroes of the concert-houses, theatres, and airwaves.  They can't wait to get back to making music, and they need your help while our nation endures this unprecedented national emergency.  Thank you.

All proceeds will benefit members of the Chicago Federation of Musicians, Local 10-208 of the American Federation of Musicians.  100% of your donations will be disbursed to musicians who have suffered financial losses and applied for relief.  All recipients must be members in good standing.   Applications for relief are located on the CFM website and will be reviewed by the Chicago Federation of Musicians Board of Directors on March 31.  Checks will be mailed to recipients immediately thereafter.  BJ Levy is the Secretary-Treasurer of the Chicago Federation of Musicians.  This campaign is a directive from President Terryl Jares, Vice-President Leo Murphy and the entire Board of Directors of the CFM. 

Here is a link to the aid application.  Thank you!!!!!

Musicians Emergency Relief Aid Application

In light of the most recent guidelines and restrictions, we at Reggies have decided to shut our doors until further notice. All concerts and events until then are canceled or postponed, and we will be notifying ticket holders for every show of their options, including refunds. Our kitchen is closed and we are not accepting takeout or delivery orders.

We do not make this decision lightly, but we are committed to prioritizing the health and safety our our customers, staff and bands. We urge everyone to follow the health guidelines and keep your family and friends healthy and safe.

As you know, all venues, restaurants & bars in Illinois are now closed to help contain the spread of Covid-19. Our awesome & dedicated staff are suddenly out of work & will need money to pay rent, food, utilities, healthcare, etc.  Any amount you can give will divided among all of our staff: sound engineers, doormen, bartenders, waitstaff, barbacks, cooks & cleaning crew.  If you can alsoshare this page (using the Share button under the Donate button), that is a huge help too!  Let’s all be safe & stay well.  We’re looking forward to rocking with you soon! 

Peace, Harmony, Melody & Rhythm, 

Your sisters and brothers at Martyrs'

Illinois has issued orders to close all bars and restaurants across the state with the exception of delivery orders.

Since we are a tavern this leaves us completely out of business.

While critical to limit people's exposure, these mandates are devastating to our business and the people who depend on us for their livelihood, pushing everyone's resources to the brink. With no contingency plans in place, we are asking the community to please support us financially with a donation in these uncertain and trying times.

If you've fallen on hard times or you can't give, please consider at least sharing our gofundme. 

The New Music Solidarity Fund is designed to help new/creative/improvised music freelancers whose livelihood has been threatened as a result of performances which have been canceled during the COVID-19 crisis. The Fund was started by a group of musicians in the new music community who have raised over $130,000 in a week, primarily from fellow musicians, composers, and music professionals. Our hope is that the Solidarity Fund will continue to grow in the coming weeks, so that we can assist and bolster more people in need of emergency relief. For now, at least two hundred and sixty, $500 emergency assistance grants will be made available to applicants who meet the below criteria.

COVID-19 is changing the world and everyone’s life in it. But while we Chicagoans, along with other citizens of the world, practicesocial distancing for the sake of everyone’s safety,Elastic Arts remains committed tosocial connecting through music and art for the sake of everyone’s wholeness.

Like all cultural institutions and public spaces, Elastic Arts is closed and will remain so until it is safe again to host concerts, performances, and openings. This is a challenge for the organization and the performers. Music, dance, and art sustain us. The act of sharing creatively and exploring together is core to our humanity. For that reason, Elastic Arts is committed to again welcoming artists and audiences of all kinds to experiment, express, revel, and celebrate, and we hope you will be a part of that future.

COVID-19 brings financial hardship to Elastic Arts and the performers who earn vital income from shows. Will you consider helping the organization and artists  to survive these difficult times and look to a bright and flourishing future of art and music in Chicago? Elastic Arts is asking you and the entire community of music/art/dance lovers to invest today in tomorrow.


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