10/28/20 - The John Elmquist ensemble performed his new project "HAG OF A FEW" at Chris Anderson's Fulton Street Collective in Chicago. "Hag of a Few" is a new small group manifestation of John Elmquist’s HardArt groop. The evening also featured live painting from visual artist Nathan Tolzmann. Two sets were livestreamed. The first set consisted of a collection of tunes from previous iterations of this ensemble including such classics as "Johnny Thunders", "Octpus", "I Jump Around" and other songs nobody’s ever heard of. The second set was a new, seven-part involuntary manslaughter ballad: "Gustav and the Church Truck". John Elmquist bass/vox, Sarah Marie Young vocals, Geof Bradfield reeds, Chuck Bontrager violin, Jo Ann Daugherty keys, and Bob Garrett percussion.
All photos by Harvey Tillis